Contributing › Wokshops & Workgroups

Working groups and workshops provide a venue for the exchange and presentation of new methods, research, developments and applications on a topic related to Human-Computer Interaction in a broad sense. Whether it is an existing AFIHM working group, or a group of people wishing to organise a workshop on a particular topic, these sessions represent an opportunity to make advances in a specific area, and foster the development of communities of like-minded people.

As in the previous two years, IHM offers the possibility for industry to organise workshops to train the HCI community in the use of their tools. This is in addition to the opportunity to run a demo stand at the demo night, and provides a platform for in-depth discussion of the tools presented.


To participate in a workshop, it is necessary to register on the HMI 2023 website. It is possible to:

  • Either register for the conference (workshops are included in the registration)
  • Register for the workshops only

This registration for HMI 2023 is obligatory, in addition to any registration procedures requested by the workshops themselves (which therefore concern their internal logistics).

Workshops & Workgroups

Collaboration distante synchrone : des plateformes aux expérimentations

EduIHM - IHM pour l'éducation (Design workshop & cours) (GT EduIHM)

Quels outils auteurs pour démocratiser la réalité augmentée ?

Multisensorialite dans tous les sens (GT son et GT multisensorialité)

 Se préparer aux tests avec des patients - suite : les retours d’expériences (GT IHM dans le domaine de la Santé)

GL-IHM (Génie logiciel et Interaction-Humain Machine)

Systèmes interactifs motivationnels d'aide au changement de comportement :
Étude pratique par rétro-ingénierie de leur conception (GT PISTIL)
