Contributing › Industrial articles

Industrial R&D and innovation are the logical continuation of academic research. They transform it, in order to comply with numerous operational constraints not found in the laboratories; they adapt it, thanks to a solid development base; they enable it to be confronted with ecological situations and targeted longitudinal tests; but above all, they constitute a real opportunity to arrive at a finished product.

The aim of the industrial papers is to communicate the lessons learned from the implementation of interactive systems based on academic research results, including

  • The integration of research results in the development of industrial solutions, whether they are internal tools, products, processes or services;
  • The presentation of end-user feedback, which is often difficult to implement in the laboratory.

The industrial papers aim to provide pragmatic feedback on the implementation of HCI and IT advances in general, in production environments, where commercial products and real users are offered research innovations. It is therefore not expected that this category will include particularly original or innovative contributions, but rather documented feedback and lessons learned in relation to technological, organisational or commercial considerations, or on the appropriation of the proposed solutions by users.


  • Deadline for submission of papers: Monday 23 January 2023 (23:59 AOE)
  • Submission of reviews to authors: Monday 13 February 2023
  • Deadline for sending final versions: Monday 6 March 2023

Instructions to authors

Submission procedure

Authors should submit an anonymous 4-6 page paper in Extended Abstract format (references not included).

Accepted papers will be published in the HAL open archives under a "Creative Commons" license and will benefit from an oral presentation at the IHM conference (details to be defined later)

Authors should send their submissions by email to the following address:

  • Submission of papers 1st version: authors should send the pdf of their paper to the above address.
  • Final submissions: authors should send a zip file containing :
    • pdf: the PDF of the paper (optional);
    • source: the DOCX or TEX file with all the resources and files to be compiled;Additional resources can be sent in the zip or through download links (WeTransfer...)

Review process

Submissions will undergo a non-anonymous, light review process by recognised researchers and practitioners, focusing on the quality of the approach taken and the description of the feedback obtained.

These articles are not expected to make a real scientific contribution but rather to present applications, feedback, etc. of scientific problems and solutions in an industrial context.

Any overtly commercial content (brochure, product presentation...) is forbidden (but can be the subject of a stand at the demo night, see below)

Format of submissions

Authors must submit an anonymous 4 to 6 page paper in "Extended Abstract" format (references are not included in this count). Industrial papers will be published in HAL; for consistency with the rest of the conference, we ask authors to follow the ACM template provided.


Submissions should be in the following format:

Presentation and participation in the conference

Accepted submissions will result in a presentation, the final format of which will be communicated to you at a later date (generally 10-15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes of questions).

All submissions constitute a commitment to present the paper if accepted. Please note that all participants, including those presenting a paper, will be required to pay the conference registration fee.


We encourage authors to prepare a demonstration of their work if they wish. To do so, we invite you to submit (in addition to your industrial paper) your demo (one to two page paper presenting your demo) in the appropriate category.

Please note that the deadline for demos is 23 January 2023 (23:59 CEST).

Commercial stands

Companies wishing to sponsor the conference and/or propose a commercial stand during the "Demo Night" event, gathering all the actors of the conference.

Please contact Ms Inès Di Loreto for any request in this regard -
