Contributing › Work in Progress (WIP)

Work in Progress (WIP) provides the HCI community with an opportunity to present new, ongoing and exciting contributions that showcase innovative technologies, extend prior research conversations, detail short self-contained studies, or provide provocations for new work and ideas to emerge. We welcome submissions around a diversity of topics and methodologies. Unlike scientific paper submissions, TeCs present work that is not mature enough for full submission, but which could benefit from being shared with the community at this stage. 

Instructions to authors

Authors should submit a non anonymous 8 pages paper in one column format (references are not included in this count). Papers should present ongoing and future work or open questions that could benefit from a discussion at the conference. Accepted papers will be published in the appendices of the proceedings, published on the ACM Digital Library. The authors of accepted papers will present  a poster and a lightning presentation at the conference. In addition, authors can present a demo during the demo session (to be indicated at the time of submission). Authors retain the copyright of their work and may therefore reuse it as is or in part in other publications. Authors will be able to submit an improved version of their work in another publication if the new version respects the plagiarism rules of the publisher of this new publication.

Selection process

TeCs are juried, which is a lighter evaluation process than scientific papers.

Submission process

TeC submissions are made on the PCS system and non anonymous.


Submissions should be a non anonymous 8 pages paper in one column (references are not included in this count) in the following format:

The templates are currently not compatible with TAPS and are therefore provisional. A request has been made to ACM to correct this problem. If necessary, a new version will be made available in due course.


Deadline for submission of papers: Thursday January 19th 2023  (23h59 AOE

Sending of reviews to authors: Thursday February 23rd 2023  (23h59 AOE)

Deadline for submission of final versions:  Thursday March 16th 2023 (23h59 AOE)

